Precision Software Appli…tions Silver Collection 4
Precision Software Applications Silver Collection Volume 4 (1993).iso
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In CMS the members of your congregation are organized
by "Families".
The chapters in this section provide the basics you
need to use families.
To begin with "Family Processing" follow the steps in
the next chapter to set up your first CMS family.
3.1 Setting Up Your First CMS Family
Setting up your first family with CMS is easy. Just
remember that all members of your church will be
organized by family.
A. Press <Esc> as often as necessary to return to
the Main Menu.
B. At the "Main Menu", select "Family Processing"
by typing <F> and then press <Enter>.
The first time you use CMS, no families exist
yet. When CMS doesn't find any families, you
see the following message:
| There are no families on file. |
| Do you want to add one? |
C. Press <Y> to create a family definition now.
Don't worry if you don't have all the correct
information for this family now - you can
always come back later and change it. We will
later show you how.
If you press <N> instead you will be returned to
the Main Menu.
3. FAMILY PROCESSING (continued) Page 3.1.2
D. The next screen shows the "Create a New Family"
screen. Here you enter address information for
the new family to be added.
If you don't want to proceed now or while you
enter the family information you may just press
<Esc> to return to the previous menu. Any
information already typed in on this screen will
be erased.
Beginning with the first blank where the cursor
- Family: Type the family last name (up to 20
characters long) and press <Enter> when you are
done. Note that this name will always
automatically appear in uppercase letters.
The cursor now moves to the next blank:
- Mailing Name: Enter the mailing name (up to 33
characters long) how you would like it to appear
e.g. on mailing envelopes. The mailing name may
entered in upper and lower case letters.
Continue with the next blanks:
- Mailing Address: Fill in the address information
to which all mailings for this family are to be
sent. Some members might prefer to have their
mail sent to their business address or Post
Office box instead of their residence. There are
3 lines for mailing address information (each
line may be up to 33 characters long). The
mailing address may be entered in upper and lower
case letters.
- Phone: Enter the phone number for the mailing
address, area code first.
- ZIP Code: Enter the postal ZIP Code for the
mailing address.
3. FAMILY PROCESSING (continued) Page 3.1.3
- Residence Address: Fill in the address
information for the family residence. There are 3
lines for residence address information (each
line may be up to 33 characters long). The
residence address may be entered in upper and
lower case letters.
- ZIP Code: Enter the postal ZIP Code for the
residence address.
- Phone: Enter the phone number for the residence
address, area code first.
- Alternate Address: Fill in the address
information to which mailings for this family can
be sent alternatively. Some members will want to
receive their Church mail while they are on
holidays or otherwise out-of-town for longer
periods of time. There are 3 lines for alternate
address information (each line may be up to 33
characters long). The alternate address may be
entered in upper and lower case letters.
- ZIP Code: Enter the postal ZIP Code for the
alternate address.
- Phone: Enter the phone number for the alternate
address, area code first.
You may have noticed the Shepherd Code blank. This
blank cannot be filled in here. Don't worry about
it for now as we will show you later how to set up
the shepherds.
- Mail Goes To (M,R,A): Type in <M> if you want
all mail to be sent to the mailing address, <R>
if the mail should be sent to the residence, or
<A> if the mail should be sent to the alternate
address instead.
As soon as you filled in the last blank, or pressed
the <Enter> key while on that blank all the
information is saved and shows on the
"Family Processing" screen.
3. FAMILY PROCESSING (continue) Page 3.1.4
NOTE: You could have also pressed the <PgDn> key at
any time to save the information entered so
far, but it is done automatically after the
last blank.
Voila ! You have created your first new family in
the CMS system.
If you made any mistakes filling in the information
don't worry. We'll show you later how to correct it.
Notice the options menu at the bottom of the screen.
In the next chapters we ill explain these options.
3.2 Help (? - Option) Page 3.2.1
Notice the <?>-Help option on the left side of your
options menu.
Press the <?> key now and you will see a Help window
appear. It explains all the options available to process
families. Use the <PgDn> and <PgUp> keys to see the next
or previous Help screen.
To exit Help press <Esc> and the Help window will
disappear again.
Note: All options presented in the options menu, except
the <Enter> -Choices option, will act on all the
families in the list. The choices presented after
selecting the <Enter>-Choices option will act on
individual families only
3.3 Add New Families (A - Option) Page 3.3.1
Adding a new family is easy, as you already know, if
you followed the procedures in chapter 3.1 "Setting up
Your First CMS Family".
To add a family follow these steps:
A. At the "Family Processing" screen press <A> and the
"Create a Family" screen will appear. Here you enter
address information for the new family to be added.
Just like when you set up your first family begin
with the first blank where the cursor appears and
fill in the required information.
For a complete description of all the blanks to be
filled here, see the chapter 3.1 "Setting up Your
First CMS Family", paragraph D.
B. Press <Enter> or <Tab> to move to the next blank.
Continue to fill in the information and then move on
to the next blank until you filled the last blank
(Mail Goes To).
3.3 Add New Families (A - Option) <continued> Page 3.3.2
C. At the last blank (Mail Goes To) type <M>, <R>,or <A>
depending if you want the mail to go to the Mailing
Address, Residence Address, or Alternate Address.
When you completed filling in the last blank,
or pressed <Enter> while on the last blank all the
information is saved and shows on the "Family
Processing" screen in alphabetical order.
To add more families now repeat steps A through C.
If you are not sure if you already entered a family
into CMS you can use the "Find" option as described
in the next chapter to check it out.
3.4 Find a Family by Name (F - Option) Page 3.4.1
The Find option, listed on the options menu, helps you
find a specific family by their family name without
scrolling through the entire family list.
To find a specific family:
A. Press <F> from the options menu to display the "Find"
| Enter Family Name to Find: |
| |
| [ ] |
Note: If the "Find" window already contains
information, you can clear it by pressing
B. Type a family name, or part of a family name you
want to find. If you don't know the full name, type
what you know. For example JOH will find JOHNSON and
C. Press <Enter> to execute the search. CMS will start
the search at the top of the list. If a match is
found the "Family Processing" screen will be re-
positioned so that the family that was found will
appear at the top of the screen. If this is not the
family you were looking for you may use your cursor
keys (Up> or <Dn> to scroll the list to see if there
is a name in the list close by that is the family you
were looking for.
If no match was found with the "Find" option a
message will be displayed that the specified family
was not found. Press any key and the message will
3.5 Reports on Families (R - Option) Page 3.5.1
The Reports option, listed on the options menu, lets you
choose reports or labels generation for all the families
in CMS.
Press <R> to go to the "Reports Definition Table".
You now can choose these options:
- Family List,
- Family Mailing Labels, and
- Rolodex Cards (3x5) for all Families
3.51 Family List
This report generates an alphabetical listing of
all families stored in the CMS system. It lists
both the family name and the mailing name. Output
may be sent viewed on the screen, sent to the
printer, or written out to a file.
To generate a family listing follow these steps:
A. If you intend to print make sure your printer
is ready:
Check that
- the printer's power cord is plugged in and
that the printer's power switch is turned on,
- the printer is connected to your computer
through either a serial or parallel port, and
- the proper paper is feeding into your printer.
B. At the family "Reports Definition Table" screen,
use your cursor keys to select "Family List".
C. Press <Enter> and the standard "Choices" output
menu will appear.
3.51 Family List (continued) Page 3.5.2
| View Report |
| Print Report |
| Write Report to File |
| Generate Merge File |
D. You now have these options:
1. Press <V> to select viewing the report on the
screen, and press <Enter>
2. press <P> to print the report out on the
printer, and press <Enter>,
3. press <W> to write the report to a file, and
press <Enter>.
E. Press <Enter> to confirm your selection.
1. View Report
If you select viewing then the "View Report"
window will appear.
a) Use your cursor keys to scroll through
the report.
b) Press <Esc> when you are done.
2. Print Report
If you select printing then the report will
be generated and sent directly to the printer.
3.51 Family List (continued) Page 3.5.3
3. Write Report to a File
If you select writing to a file the "Filename"
window will appear:
| Filename: |
| [ ] |
a) Type in the filename where to send the
report to, and press <Enter>.
If you do not specify a file extension
then CMS automatically adds the extension
"TXT" to your filename. For example, if
you typed in "list" as the file name, then
CMS will save this file as "LIST.TXT".
If you typed in a filename that already
exists, a message window will appear (in
our example we assume the filename "List"):
| LIST.TXT already exists. Append/Overwrite/Cancel? [A/o/c] |
b) You can now choose:
1. Press <A> to add the report to the
existing file,
2. press <O> to overwrite the existing
file with the new report,
3. press <C> to cancel this option, and
exit from this menu choice.
If you choose adding the report will be
appended to the end of the existing file.
3.51 Family List (continued) Page 3.5.4
If you choose overwriting all the
information previously saved under that
filename will be lost, and a new file with
only the new listing in it will be created.
If you choose "Cancel" you will be
returned to the previous screen.
c) When the report is done you will be
returned to the "Reports Definition Table".
3.52 Family Mailing Labels
When you want to send letters or statements, or if
you want to send a mass mailing to all the families
in CMS this choice lets you generate the mailing
labels for all the families. To generate a mailing
label for just one family see chapter 3.662 "Print
a Mailing Label for One Family".
To print mailing labels for all families:
A. Make sure your printer is ready to print. See
the instructions in Appendix 10.1, chapter
"Preparing Your Printer".
B. At the family "Reports Definition Table" screen,
use your cursor keys to select "Family Mailing
C. Press <Enter> and the standard "Choices" output
menu will appear.
| Print Labels |
| View Labels |
| Write Labels |
| Generate Merge File |
3.52 Family Mailing Labels (continued) Page 3.5.5
If you press <Esc> no label will be printed and
you will be returned to the "Reports Definition
Table" screen.
D. Select "Print Labels" from the "Choices" menu,
and press <Enter>.
A "Label Message" window will be displayed:
| Message for top of every label: |
| [ ]|
E. Type a message to appear at the top of every
label, e.g. a brief Bible quote, or other
message up to 33 characters long,
Press <Enter> if you don't want a message to
appear on the label.
Note: If the "Message" window already contains
information, you can
- clear it by pressing <Ctrl-Y> and then
pressing <Enter>
- accept the same message by pressing
Now the "Check Alignment" window will appear:
| Print a sample label to check alignment? [y/N] |
If this is the first time you print labels with
your CMS program then this is a very good time
to make sure your labels are correctly aligned
in the printer.
3.52 Family Mailing Labels (continued) Page 3.5.6
F. Press <Y> to print a sample label.
If you already know that your printer is set up
correctly and that your labels are correctly
aligned press <N> and the label will be printed
If you pressed <Y> a sample label will be
printed on your printer. It will look like this:
| Message Line..................... |
| Name Line.........................|
| Address #1........................|
| Address #2........................|
| Address #3........................|
G. Inspect the sample label on your printer and
make sure it is aligned correctly and all the
address lines are legible and printed within
the label area.
H. If you are not happy with the print results
make the necessary adjustments on your printer
and label paper, and then
Press <Y> at the next screen prompt:
| Print another test? [y/N] |
Repeat steps (F) through (H) until you are
satisfied with the print results.
I. Press <N> when prompted for another test.
All the family labels will now be printed on
your printer.
At the "Reports Definition Table" press <Esc> to
return to the "Family Processing" screen.
3.53 Rolodex Cards (3x5) for All Families Page 3.5.7
This option generates Rolodex cards for all
families of your Church.
To print Rolodex cards for all families:
A. Make sure your printer is ready to print. See
the instructions in the Appendix, chapter 10.1
"Preparing Your Printer".
B. At the member "Reports Definition Table" screen
select "Rolodex Cards (3x5) for all families",
and press <Enter>.
Follow the instructions on the screen to generate
the cards. For complete step by step instructions
on printing Rolodex cards, see the Appendix,
chapter 10.9 "Printing Rolodex Cards in CMS".
C. Once the Rolodex cards have printed on your
printer you will be returned to the "Reports
Definition Table" screen.
3.6 Family Specific Choices (Enter - Option) Page 3.6.1
While the options presented in the options menu affect
the list of families as a whole, it is possible to work
with individual families by choosing the <Enter>-Choices
To see what options are available to work with an
individual family:
A. Move your cursor to the family you want to work with,
or use find to locate that family on the "Family
Processing" screen.
B. Press <Enter> from the "Family Processing" options
menu and the "Choices" menu will appear.
| Edit Family |
| Delete Family |
| Assign Shepherd |
| Work with Members |
| View Member List |
| View a Label |
| Print a Label |
| Write a Label to File |
| Generate one Merge Record |
| Print 3x5 Rolodex Card |
| |
The choices "Assign Shepherd" and below may require
that additional information be added in another
section of the CMS system. After you learned more
about the CMS system you can return to these sections
here and take advantage of them.
C. To exit the "Choices" menu again press <Esc>.
3.61 Edit an existing Family Page 3.6.2
Choose "Edit Family" if you want to make changes to
the information about a family or if you made
mistakes when you added that family to the family
To change a family's information:
A. At the "Family Processing" screen move your
cursor to the family who's information you want
to change, or use the "Find" option to locate
that family on the screen.
B. Press <Enter> to get to the "Choices" menu.
C. Press <E> to select "Edit Family", and press
The "Edit Family" screen will appear and the
cursor will be positioned at the "Mailing Name"
D. Use the <Up> and <Dn> cursor keys, or the <Tab>
and <Shift><Tab> keys to move the cursor to the
blank where you want to make changes or add new
E. Type in the new information where you want it to
appear in that blank. When you are done with
that blank move the cursor to the next blank you
want to change.
F. Press <PgDn> when you are done with all the
changes to this family.
You will be returned to the Family Processing
screen and the changed information will appear
3.62 Delete a Family with all its members Page 3.6.3
Just as families can be added to the family list
they also can be removed. For example, you
discovered after you entered this family, that you
created a duplicate entry. Or all the members of a
family have moved away from the Church and you want
to remove them from your CMS program.
To delete a family's with all its members:
A. At the "Family Processing" screen move your
cursor to the family you want to remove, or
use the "Find" option to locate that family on
the screen.
B. Press <Enter> to get to the "Choices" menu.
C. Press <D> to select "Delete Family", and press
To prevent you from inadvertently making a
mistake and remove the wrong family a window
will be displayed:
| Deleting a family will cause ALL OF ITS MEMBERS to be deleted! |
| Are you really sure you want to do this? [y/N] |
D. Press <Y> to confirm the deletion of this family
and all its members,
Press <N> if you don't want to remove the
selected family at this time.
If you pressed <N> you will be returned to
the "Family Processing" screen and no deletions
will have been made.
E. If you pressed <Y> to confirm the deletion
another window will be displayed (in our example
we use the John Doe family):
3.62 Delete a Family with all its members(c) Page 3.6.4
| The DOE (Mr. John Doe) |
| and all of its members will now be deleted. OK? [y/N] |
This is your last chance to change your mind.
F. Press <Y> to confirm the deletion of this family
and all its members,
Press <N> if you don't want to remove the
selected family at this time.
G. You will be returned to the Family Processing
screen and if you confirmed the removal of that
family its information will have disappeared
from the "Family Processing" screen.
3.63 Assign a Shepherd to a Family
Shepherds are members of your Church who are
responsible for a particular family and look after
their well being within and outside the Church. A
Church member can be a shepherd to more than one
Note: In order to use this option properly CMS
expects that you already created a list of
shepherds. However, if this is the first
time you use CMS, you will learn to do this
later, and you may want to skip this option
for now and return to it, after you created
that shepherd list. See the chapter 5.5
"Shepherd Processing". Once you entered all
your CMS families and all their members you
can come back to this option and assign
3.63 Assign a Shepherd to a Family (c) Page 3.6.5
To assign a shepherd:
A. At the "Family Processing" screen move your
cursor to the family you want a shepherd
assigned to, or use the "Find" option to locate
that family on the screen.
B. Press <Enter> to get to the "Choices" menu.
C. Press <A> to select "Assign Shepherd", and
press <Enter>.
If you created a list of shepherds the
"Shepherds Selection" window will appear and a
list of all the shepherds will appear.
D. Press the first letter of the shepherd name you
wish to select or use the cursor keys to move to
the desired shepherd.
E. Press <Enter> to assign the selected shepherd to
this family.
The "Shepherd Selection" window will disappear
and you will be returned to the "Family
Processing" screen.
F. To view the selection hold down the <Ctrl> key,
and while keeping it depressed, press the
<Right-Arrow> cursor key.
The "Family Processing" screen will now display
the shepherd assigned to this family.
G. Press <Ctrl> <Left-Arrow> and the "Family
Processing" screen will return to its normal
At any time you can change the shepherd for this
family by just following the steps A-G above.
3.64 Work with Family Members Page 3.6.6
In CMS families consist of one or more members.
When you use CMS for the first time you may want to
set up all your families first and then add members
to each family. Or you may prefer to add members
to each family as soon as you created it. Either
way is supported in CMS.
Choosing this option lets you do all the tasks
involved with member processing. You can:
- add new members to a family, or remove members
from a family
- change a members information, including
organizations and SIGs
- generate various reports about contributions,
visitation history, etc.
To work with members:
A. At the "Family Processing" screen move your
cursor to that family whose members you want to
work with, or use the "Find" option to locate
that family on the screen.
B. Press <Enter> to get to the "Choices" menu.
C. Press <W> to select "Work with Members", and
press <Enter>.
If no members for this family exist this message
will be displayed:
| No members of this family found |
| Do you want to add one? [y/N] |
If you do NOT want to add members now press <N>
and you will be returned to the "Family
Processing" screen.
To add a new member now press <Y> and the "Add a
new member" screen will be displayed. Fill in
all the blanks as described in detail in chapter
4.1 "Setting Up Your First Member".
3.64 Work with Family Members (c) Page 3.6.7
D. With at least one family member present the
"Family of: " screen will be displayed listing
one or more family members.
Here you can add a member, find a member,
generate reports on all members. If you press
<Enter> to access the "Choices" menu you can
also edit or delete a member, work with a
members organizations or SIGs or generate
For a full description of all the options and
choices when working with members see chapter 4.
"Member Processing".
When you are finished working with members press
the <Esc> key several times until you are back
at the "Family Processing" screen.
3.65 View a Family Member List
Here is a quick way to take a look at all the
members of a family.
To view members of a family:
A. At the "Family Processing" screen move your
cursor to the family whose members you want to
view, or use the "Find" option to locate that
family on the screen.
B. Press <Enter> to get to the "Choices" menu.
C. Press <V> to select "View Member List", and
press <Enter>.
If a list of members for this family is found a
window will appear with a list of all the
3.65 View a Family Member List (continued) Page 3.6.8
D. After viewing the member list press <Esc>.
The "Member List" window will disappear and you
will be returned to the "Family Processing"
3.66 Mailing Labels for One Family
When you want to send letters or statements only
to one family this choice lets you generate a
mailing label for just one family. You can
preview a label on the screen display, or send it
to the printer or a file.
To generate mailing labels for all families see
chapter 3.5 "Reports on Families".
3.661 View a Mailing Label for One Family
To view one family mailing label:
A. At the "Family Processing" screen move
your cursor to the family whose mailing
label you want to preview, or use the
"Find" option to locate that family on
the screen.
B. Press <Enter> to get to the "Choices"
C. Select "View Label", and press <Enter>.
The "Label Message" window will appear:
| Message for top of every label: |
| [ ]|
3.661 View a Mail Label for One Family Page 3.6.9
D. Type a message to appear at the top of
the label, e.g. a brief Bible quote, or
other message up to 33 characters long,
and press <Enter>
Press <Enter> if you don't want a
message to appear on the label.
Note: If the "Message" window already
contains information, you can
- clear it by pressing <Ctrl-Y>
and then pressing <Enter>
- accept the same message by
pressing <Enter>.
Now the "View Report" window will appear:
E. Press <Esc> to exit from viewing a
family mailing label, and to return to
the "Family Processing" screen.
3.662 Print a Mailing Label for One Family
To print one family mailing label:
A. Make sure your printer is ready to print.
See the instructions in Appendix 10.1,
chapter "Preparing Your Printer".
B. At the "Family Processing" screen move
your cursor to the family you want to
mail to, or use the "Find" option to
locate that family on the screen.
3.662 Print a Label for One Family Page 3.6.10
C. Press <Enter> to get to the "Choices"
D. Press <P> to select "Print a Label", and
press <Enter>.
E. Follow the screen instructions to
generate a label.
For complete details about label generation
refer to Appendix 10.4, chapter "Printing
Labels in CMS"
Once the selected family label has printed
on your printer you will be returned to the
"Family Processing" screen.
3.663 Write a Mailing Label for One Family to a
To write a family mailing label to a file:
A. At the "Family Processing" screen move
your cursor to the family whose mailing
label you want to save to a file, or use
the "Find" option to locate that family
on the screen.
B. Press <Enter> to get to the "Choices"
C. Press <W> to select "Write a Label to
File", and press <Enter>.
The "Filename" window will appear:
| Filename: |
| [ ] |
3.663 Write a Mailing Label for One Family to a
File Page 3.6.11
D. Type in the filename where to send the
label to, and press <Enter>.
If you do not specify a file extension
then CMS automatically adds the extension
"TXT" to your filename. For example, if
you typed in "labels" as the file name,
then CMS will save this file as
If you typed in a filename that already
exists, a message window will appear (in
our example we assume the filename
| LABELS.TXT already exists. Append/Overwrite/Cancel? [A/o/c] |
E. Choose one of the following three
Press <A> to add the new label to the
existing file.
If you choose this option the new label
will be appended to the end of the
existing file.
press <O> to overwrite the existing file
with the new label.
Choosing this option will loose all the
information previously saved under that
filename, and create a new file. The new
file will only contain this one label.
press <C> to cancel this option, and exit
from this menu choice.
3.663 Write a Mailing Label for One Family to a
File Page 3.6.12
If you choose this option you will be
returned to the "Family Processing" screen.
If you press <A> or <O> another window will
| Message for top of every label: |
| [ ]|
F. Type a message to appear at the top of
the label, e.g. a brief Bible quote, or
other message up to 33 characters long,
and press <Enter>
Press <Enter> if you don't want a
message to appear on the label.
Note: If the "Message" window already
contains information, you can
- clear it by pressing <Ctrl-Y>
and then pressing <Enter>
- accept the same message by
pressing <Enter>.
The new label will now be added or
written to the file and you will be
returned to the "Family Processing"
3.67 Generate one Merge Record Page 3.6.13
There might come a time when you want to share the
information in CMS with other software packages
( e.g. for word processing, mail merge,
statistical reporting). CMS lets you create
"Merge Records" that you can later import into
your other application software. For technical
information on the structure of the merge record
refer to the Appendix, chapter 10.7 "Merge Record
Structure -Technical Information".
To generate a merge record for this family:
A. At the "Family Processing" screen move your
cursor to the family for which you want to
generate a merge record, or use the "Find"
option to locate that family on the screen.
B. Press <Enter> to get to the "Choices" menu.
C. Press <G> to select "Generate a Merge Record",
and press <Enter>.
The "Filename" window will appear:
| Filename: |
| [ ] |
NOTE: If you already saved a filename during
this CMS session CMS remembers it, and
will display it in the "Filename" window.
3.67 Generate one Merge Record (continue) Page 3.6.14
D. Type in the new filename where you want to
store the merge record for this family, and
press <Enter>,
press <Enter> to confirm the use of the
filename displayed in the "Filename" window.
If you do not specify a file extension then CMS
automatically adds the extension "TXT" to your
filename. For example, if you typed in
"Merges" as the file name, then CMS will save
this file as "MERGES.TXT".
If you typed in a new filename the merge record
for this family will be saved to that file, and
you will be returned to the "Family Processing"
If you use a filename that already existed
a message window will appear (in our example
we assume the filename "MERGES.TXT"):
| MERGES.TXT already exists. Append/Overwrite/Cancel? [A/o/c] |
This message lets you know that this filename
is already in use by another file.
E. Choose any one of the following three options:
Press <A> to add the merge record for this
family to the existing file.
If you choose this option the new merge record
will be appended to the end of this file, and
you will be returned to the "Family Processing"
press <O> to overwrite this file with the new
merge record.
3.67 Generate one Merge Record (continue) Page 3.6.15
Choosing this option will loose all the
information previously saved under that
filename, and create a new file. The new file
will only contain this one merge record. You
will then be returned to the "Family
Processing" screen.
press <C> to cancel this option, and exit from
this menu choice.
If you choose this option no merge record will
be created and you will be returned to the
"Family Processing" screen.
3.68 Print One 3x5 Rolodex Cards
To print a Rolodex card for just one family:
A. Make sure your printer is ready to print. See
the instructions in the Appendix, chapter 10.1
"Preparing Your Printer".
B. At the "Family Processing" screen move your
cursor to the family for which you want to
generate a Rolodex card, or use the "Find"
option to locate that family on the screen.
C. Press <Enter> to get to the "Choices" menu.
D. Select "Print 3x5 Rolodex Card", and press
Follow the instructions on the screen to
generate a card. For complete step by step
instructions on printing Rolodex cards, see the
Appendix, chapter 10.9 "Printing Rolodex Cards
in CMS".
E. Once the selected member Rolodex card has
printed on your printer you will be returned
to the "Family Processing" screen.
3.6x Exit the Choices Menu Page 3.6.16
To exit the choices menu:
Press the <Esc> key, and the choice menu will
3.7 Exit from Family Processing (Esc - Option) Page 3.7.1
Anywhere in the program, press <Esc> until you see the
"Main Menu".
IMPORTANT: If you were changing information or adding
new information while in "Family Processing",
and while still in the editing or adding mode
pressed <Esc>, all the changed or added
information on that screen will be lost.